Vitamin C is an important vitamin can be found naturally in fruits and vegetables, which helps to make your body strong and healthy. It is used in the maintenance of bones, muscle and blood vessels and also assists in the formation of collagen and helps the body adsorb iron.
People consumes vitamin C as a natural dietary supplement in the form of vitamin C pills and chewable tables to cure or prevent common cold. Vitamin C has been studied for many years as a possible treatment or prevention for common cold, but the findings by the experts have been inconsistent. However, taking vitamin C before the onset of cold symptoms may shorten the duration of symptoms. Vitamin C may provide benefit for people at high risk of colds due to frequent exposure — for example, children who attend group child care.
What is the recommended natural remedies to fight or prevent cold?
Our immune system is constantly active, figuring out which cells belong to your body and which don’t. This means the immune system needs a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals to keep its energy up and going. Just intake vitamin C doesn’t really help to fight common cold and flu, as per researches said. Thus, La Jugos has come out a recipe packed with essential nutrients for everyday health which can help for fighting off the cold and flu – Orange Sunrise. Orange Sunrise, made by tomato, carrot, apple and orange is the best resource for you to intake every day. Besides richness of vitamin C, it also provides other important vitamins such as A, B6, E and K as well as minerals including potassium, folic acid, magnesium, phosphorus and copper.